Kamis, 22 November 2012

Listening Recount rpp


School                         : SMP NEGERI 11 Semarang
Grade / Semester         : VIII / I ( Gasal )
Subject                                    : English
Time Allotment           : 2 x 40 minutes
Academic Years          : 2012
Text Type                    : Recount Text
Skill                             : Listening

Standar Kompetensi
2.   Mengungkapkan makna dalam  teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
              sederhana berbentuk Descriptive dan Recount untuk berinteraksi dengan

Kompetensi Dasar
 2.1  Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana
        secara lancar, akurat, dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
        sekitar dalam text berbentuk Descriptive dan Recount.

Character Building
1.      Responding the monolog text of Recount text
2.       Identify characteristic of Recount text

I.                   Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, students can :
-          Students can responding the monolog text of the Recount text
-          Students can Identify characteristic of Recount text
II.                Learning Material
Now, look at these pictures:                                                          
a. What are the pictures about?
b. Have you ever attended a party?
c. What kind of party is that?
d. Mention 5 things that always related to the birthday party!
After you finished  this step, I believe you already have an idea about the topic we are going to discuss. Yes, it is about birthday party.
III.             Step of Learning Activity
Time (minute)
Opening Activity

1.      The students and teacher praying together
2.      Teacher give a greeting for students

3.      Teacher check the attendance

1.      The students and teacher praying together
2.      The students answer greeting from teacher
3.      The students give information about their attendance
5 minutes


A.    Exploration
1.      Teacher ask the students about the review the last lesson
2.      Teacher share the worksheet
1.      The students can the respon

2.      The student get the worksheet and identify text information form  the Recount text
10 minutes

1.      Teacher give listening test

2.      Teacher analyze about the test

1.      Students can listen the test (active)
2.      Students analyze the listening test (responsibility)
45 minutes


1.      Teacher summarizing  about the material
2.      Teacher giving motivation for students

1.      Students listen the summarizing
2.      Students get the motivations
4 minutes

1.      Teacher giving homework
2.      Ending the lesson
1.      Student get homework

2.      Students give respond for teacher
6 minutes

IV.             Teaching Aids
-          Sound
-          Student Worksheet

V.                Learning Method
-           Three-phase technique

VI.             Sources
-          English discourse competence,
-          http.// example of listening recount

VII.          Rubric of Assessment
Listening Test
Correct answer

VIII.       Scoring
Listening test
1.      Maximum score for each student + 3 : 10
2.      Maximum grade                                : 100
Grade =                     score
                                max score
for example : Bella gets score 10
she grade will be :   10 x 100

Semarang,     September 2012
            Approved by,
English Teacher                                                            PPL Teacher

Heti Prastiyani, S.Pd                                                    Ridha Purwanti
NIP. 197410072008012005                                         NPM. 09420320

Standard Competence
2.   Mengungkapkan makna dalam  teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
      sederhana berbentuk Descriptive dan Recount untuk berinteraksi dengan                     
Basic Competence
     2.1  Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana
            secara lancar, akurat, dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
            sekitar dalam teks berbentuk Descriptive dan Recount.

Exercise  1
Now, look at these pictures:
a. What are the pictures about?
b. Have you ever attended a party?
c. What kind of party is that?
d. Mention 5 things that always related to the birthday party!
Exercise  2
1.      Edward Hopper, a prominent American realist painter and printmaker. When did Edward Hopper move to New York?
a.       In nineteen hundred
b.      b. In eighteen hundred
c.       c. In fifteen hundred
d.      d. In sixteen hundred
2.      In nineteen forty-two, Hopper _______ his most famous work, “Nighthawks.”
a.       is painted.
b.      Is painting
c.       Is painter
d.      Is being painting.
3.      Te painting shows …… in a eating place.
a.       5 people
b.      4 people
c.       8 people
d.      6 people
4.      What the people in Hopper picture do?
a.       Dinner
b.      Breakfast
c.       Lunch
d.      Supper
5.      Edward Hopper died  in …..
a.       1962
b.      1997
c.       1967
d.      1992
6.      What is Edward Hopper’wife name?
a.       Jhoe
b.      Jue
c.       Yoe
d.      Zue
7.      When did Edwad Hopper’s wife die?
a.       1963
b.      1998
c.       1968
d.      1992

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